Francis Duggan - The War Hero

2014-06-11 21

He always wears his war medals on his coat of them he feels so proud
And he has a hearing problem the reason he talks so loud
He says I'm a World war hero of which some don't wish to know
Of a battle fought in Europe more than six decades ago.

I often see him walking in the park or shopping complex with his long term wife
Devoted to him even in old age they have lived a long life
When he started talking of his war years I could not bear with him long
Though he is the inspiration for the making of this song.

I do not doubt he means well or in his young years he was brave
But far too many of his comrades went to an early grave
To me war is antiquated and it never solves anything
Though only of war heroes old war balladeers do sing.

He thinks he fought for freedom who told to him the lie
For so called freedom young men go to war and for so called freedom young men die
Twenty six million people in refugee camps what sort of freedom have they
And Human rights abuses rampant in the World of today.

On Anzac Day as usual he will be at the front of the parade
And he will love the adulation when much of him is made
With his war medals upon his coat for everyone to see
He may well impress some people but not the cynical like me.

Francis Duggan