Bashyam Narayanan - Serve Others

2014-06-11 41

All our efforts aim at
Improving the level of happiness
At individual levels
Hardly we find time
To put in efforts voluntarily
And selflessly towards
Even slightly improving
The level of happiness of someone
Totally unknown or a stranger
It need not always be a grant of fund
Or an offer of alms
A push of an automobile experiencing
Starting trouble
An extending of an arm to hold
A tumbling person
A word of kindness
To a kid who just fell, stood up
And preparing to run
Helping a co-passenger by passing on
His or her change to a bus conductor
And get back the travel ticket
Giving the right direction
To a path finding stranger
Helping a blind cross traffic
Offering to hold a baggage
Of a troubling kid's mother
A number of similar others
Are also known as service
You may not have marked how many of others
Came to your help even without your asking
If you get habituated
To serving others
You stand a chance of realizing your worth
You stand a chance of stepping into a spiritual path
You stand a chance of receiving divine guidance
You stand a chance of becoming a good leader
Your serving others voluntarily
Really amounts to your paying rent
For the house, even if it is your own, you live in
As many a people with many a talent
Built that and gave the shape it has
So, do serve others
Counting not on the feathers
The service is going to add to your crown
As the very opportunity you got to serve
Is itself a crown

Bashyam Narayanan