beautifully broken xxx - Cut

2014-06-11 2

The pain I cause
Its unbearable
I hurt people to often
Because i’m to scared to get hurt myself
I’m too scared to risk anything anymore
I don’t want to get hurt
I don’t want to be in pain
I don’t want to experience things that slowly break my heart that one piece further
I’m sick of that hole inside, festering, just festering
Sending unhappiness and pain to everybody I touch
I don’t want to be here anymore
I don’t want to hurt people
I don’t want to hurt myself
But that blade it screams for more
I’ve put so many others so close to it
I mustn’t let them suffer alone
I push it the blade against my cold, sinful skin
And watch the trickle of blood rush down my arm
The pain glides over me
Enough for me to think maybe this isn’t so bad
When someone hurts, ill hurt
When there’s pain in somebody’s eyes I let that pain stream out my veins
The vicious red blood of mine I will not let it hurt others without it hurting me
I will cut a little deeper
I feel a little more
I know its wrong
But how do you reconcile the broken hearted
How do you treat people you caused pain to when you cant give them what they want
I will not let them feel this alone
I will shave the sins away from body

beautifully broken xxx

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