Denis Martindale - Great And Unsearchable Things

2014-06-11 3

How great is He, the Lord of Lords
And Cosmic King of Kings,
His treasure trove filled with rewards,
Great unsearchable things!
With wonders and with prophecies
And miracles sublime...
How great is He, the One who sees
How each child spends their time...

How great is He, the Holy One,
Creator of us all,
Who sacrificed His only Son,
To save us, great or small...
With grace bestowed right here on Earth
We must be born again...
No more to boast of our own worth
When Christ died there and then...

How great is He, our God divine,
In granting Paradise,
A home that could be yours and mine
If we would just be wise...
That's why the Bible tells us straight
The wonders yet to be
Will be so perfect and so great
They'll last eternity!

Denis Martindale, copyright, July 2012.

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Denis Martindale

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