James Pendleton - Where Eagles Fly

2014-06-11 41

The eagle circles high above the canyon caves
the dolphin leaps through the ocean waves
as we walk the promise land
our heads held high giving not a helping hand
The eagle my brother using his gift of sight
flies higher than most into the night
below he sees a crying young man
with compassion he lands as only he can
the young man explains that he is lost
I asked for help, but at what cost
The eagle my brother with power wings
picked up the young man and started to sing
the love he heard was ever so clear
as he was held by my brother so near
so thick and armor plated was his heart
that nothing could penetrate
the young man had to go and isolate
The dolphin my brother lives in the seven seas
with angry young men who couldn't live in harmony
the pain of loneliness was their only bond
which helped them live on the world's largest pond
the wisest of all on the highest high sea
The dolphin my brother with his sonar engaged
found the buried pain that has kept me caged
the dolphin my brother with love in his eyes
sends me back to Where Eagles Fly
the pain of loneliness and fears of mine
are cancelled by my brothers' love combined

James Pendleton
