'He is the light and the life of the world;
Yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; ' *
His message hath, unto me, been unfurled-
I am ever-grateful for the Word He hath harkened!
His Truth is unassailable, no proof is needed;
The Scriptures are the Gospel that I have faithfully heeded;
Be this known, from this day forward:
He is the Truth that I always reach toward-
Mine is an imperfect stroll, toward His Perfect Path,
Yet, to attain all I may, I seek The Truth He hath!
Ne'er to be attained, perfection is still always the goal-
I reach for this place with all my soul;
With His Benevolent Consult, may I grow e'er nearer;
Through His Omniscience, may my Path grow e'er clearer!
*The Book of Mormon: Mosiah 17
-Maurice Harris,28 November 2010
Maurice Harris