Zachary Zuccaro - Abortion (1-6)

2014-06-11 25

Abortion #1

Watch them
the child
of it.

Abortion #2

A life snuffed out
before it can begin.

No chance to love,
to grow, to learn
to live;

no chance to do anything.

A life
just created
and destroyed.

Abortion #3

A quick flow of blood
a tiny corpse.

A baby murdered,
it's mother leaves the clinic
continuing to live her life
unlike her child.

Abortion #4

dropp from Heaven
as another child is murdered.

A soul without a name
unwanted by its own mother,
robbed of its right to live.

I pray for you.

Abortion #5

As you go to get your abortion
remember that at this moment
you are alive
and able to kill your child
because your mother
did not choose
to abort you.

Abortion #6

is not murder
any more
than shooting a little baby
in the back of the head
is murder.

Zachary Zuccaro