Isunge Mwangase - A Sonnet For Thine

2014-06-11 1

Sonnet I

Broken and fading, I cry from my heart,
Look at our loves reflection in my tears,
My death, as in half eternity is cut,
Your pleasure as my pain screams in your ears.
Take away with you your shadow of darkness,
My heart; break it- the tormoil in my breath,
Leave me! Leave me to nurse my loneliness-
Your betrayal fervent like an angry heath,
I lied not when I said, 'You are all I have,
Everything I am, core of my very being.'
Good riddance of the nothingness of your love,
Of love like a sin that washes me clean,
A battle I fight even though I can't win,
In a place where you end but there I begin.

Isunge Mwangase