Heaven's gates swing wide open
Revealing lush gardens and paths
As a throng of wide eyed innocent
Children run pass the check in desk
Dozens of clouds go passing by
With cherubs tolead the way
A place without tears and pain
Our precious master with open arms
Sits upon a golden cloud with
Gentle voice and loving smile
Greets each and every precious child
Dressed in gowns of finest silk
Each with memories from distant earth
A mothers kiss, a fathers smile
Happy times filled with endless laughs
Days too numerous, but none to last
But here in this most holy place
Bedazzled by endless light and love
Assured of seeing someday soon
Loved ones that they left behind
They travel on a train of clouds
Passing through the many rooms
With faces sparkling like newborn babes
They run to Pop Pops, Gram's and Aunts
With love, they dance and sing with joy
For loves ones that they left behind
So many years have come and gone
And so has sadness, lives are lived.
Frances Ayers