San Marino Mayor Throws Dog Poop In Neighbors Driveway

2014-06-11 44

The mayor of San Marino, California is under scrutiny after he was caught on camera leaving behind dog poop on his neighbor’s property.

The mayor of San Marino, California is under scrutiny after he was caught on camera leaving behind what is believed to be dog poop on his neighbor’s property.

Dennis Kneier admitted to tossing a bag he had found supposedly filled with poo onto his neighbor, Philip Lao’s sidewalk. According to the mayor, he and his wife, Liz were just returning home from a walk in a nearby park.

Lao’s surveillance camera caught Kneier in the act. It depicts Kneier’s wife pointing towards the property before the mayor threw the bag. Once Lao saw the footage, he turned it over to the San Marino Police Department.

Kneier later wrote a letter to his neighbor which read “Liz and I were returning from a walk in Lacy Park when we noticed a bag of dog waste in your west parkway near the lamp post. Rather than leave it or dispose of it properly, I placed it on your side walkway. This was a mistake, for which I apologize. It won’t happen again.”

Kneier told reporters he has no hard feelings towards the other man. However he did admit that he’s not a fan of a sign on Lao’s property that says ‘no poop zone’.

Lao suspects his opposition at city council meetings for a proposal to build a dog park in the community may have led Kneier to toss the poop on his driveway.