For to make a better World to live in you can help in no small way
You can live by love and kindness do a good deed every day
You cannot be kind to others if your higher self you can't embrace
And that applies to everybody of every culture and every race.
I am not one in search of platitudes claiming the higher moral ground
I am just your average battler flaws in me are easily found
But for understanding, love and kindness i am trying to make a case
Make yourself a better person make the World a better place.
To live in for yourself and others no contribution is too small
Everybody in some small way can contribute to a fair go for all
By making yourself a better person a kinder face to humanity you create
The foe that you have at the moment can tomorrow become your best mate.
To make the World a better place to live in make yourself a better woman or man
For peace and justice for all we can make a contribution though short enough is our time span
If for others we can show compassion and if for others we can genuinely care
Then for the betterment of the human family you surely are doing your own share.
Francis Duggan