Ranis Thomas III - Bathroom Etiquette

2014-06-11 24

Around that corner or silently speaking,
there is a mystery inside and out of that stinky unisex bathroom.

Tissue torn into pieces and with madness thrown all over
the floor.
Water splashed towards every sidewall
and smeared with bloody terror and discreet shame.

Sometimes smelling of horror or maybe a party toilet room
that is never clean.

Fight to get in, despite, almighty rights, improper manners
as one after another turn that corner and pull the handle.
My turn, your next,
Keep away the toilet hogs.

Without a knock or polite question,
Someone always opens the door
and a surprise peek is x rated and someone has found another
public display I may say, or maybe a bit of sexual intensity.

Whatever the cause it seems unpeculiar and unpleasant.
Stupid and obnoxious.
A disrespect in morality where I work.
And an undespair of the moment that pleases

People with no manners whatsoever.
Like my mother and grandmamma always said.
You don’t live in the barn so close that door! ! !

Knock on the door for Christ sakes.
Stop shouting while we meditate in quietness.

And please!
Please go free yourself and go use the other hellhole down the hall!

Ranis Thomas III
