I like to go walking
In the cool of the day
And admire all the beautiful
Sights along the way.
The bright golden sun's glow
The silvery sheen,
Bowers of hanging vines
That grow by each stream.
The moss carpet we tread on
SO soft to our feet,
The clean smelling earth
And flowers so sweet.
The leaves hanging breathless
Awaiting the breeze,
To restle, to stir, to lift
Them with ease.
Their music. O! Harken!
‘Tis a message for me,
I just love to stand
Beneath a broad spreading tree.
The wonders of nature
All the miracles, and mysteries,
Can never be told
In school book, or history.
No great poets pen
Can begin to describe,
Only God, holds the secret
Of this world so wide.
Just let me be content
To appreciate, and live,
In this eden, the Father
Has so graciously give.
I'll count every blessing
That falls on my way,
Lift my eyes in thankfulness
At the close of day.
Della Hodgson James