Della Hodgson James - The Soldiers' Graves

2014-06-11 14

We'll decorate the soldiers graves
  We'll place the laurel wreath,
We cannot change their station here
  Or disturb their peaceful sleep.
But we can show to all the world
  They have not died in vain,
For they have given their own life's blood
  That freedom, we might retain.
We'll decorate the soldiers graves
  Those loyal heroes brave,
We'll place our flowers on the mounds
  More often called a grave.
With all honour, and respect to them

  We place the flag there, too,
For which it stands, they bled and died
  For liberty, loyalty and truth.

And on this bright memorial day
  Which has been set aside,
We congregate in memory of
  Those heroes, who fought and died.
We gather here in memory of
  Their deeds of valor brave,
We place these chosen flowers
  Upon their silent graves.

Della Hodgson James

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