Dearer than life is the Vaishnava to me, he is ever in my heart
I leave behind all the pilgrimages, austerities and joys of Vaikunth
Just to be where he is!
To uphold my beloved devotee King Ambarish
I smote the vanity of the sage Durvasa,
For sake of my devotees, I cast off my pride and came into the world ten times.
For dearer than life is the Vaishnava to me....
I rushed on Garuda, my eagle to deliver the Elephant, my loved devotee,
I discriminate not between the high or low, as one who worships me is like me!
Dearer than life is the Vaishnava to me.....
Lakshmi, the better half of my very being, herself serves my servants!
My devotee's feet are holier than millions of Gangas
Millions of Kashis and all the holy shrines put together!
Dearer than life is the Vaishnava to me...
When he walks, I walk in front, when he sleeps I wake!
I don't spare the one who tries to harms my loved ones,
I destroy him and all his clans!
For dearer than life is the Vaishnava to me....
My devotee alone can deliver the ones whom I shackle
But not even I can release those whom he binds,
Once he binds me, even I cant free myself!
Dearer than life is the Vaishnava to me...
When he sits and sings, I stand and listen
And I dance when he stands and sings!
Never even for a moment I am away,
As Narsaiyyo truly says, from such a devotee
For dearer than life is the Vaishnava to me....
Narsinh Mehta