bobby beddoe - Remembering Elvis

2014-06-11 22

One hundred and forty-nine
Of my classmates back in time;
One fifty, including me,
Never missed a movie,
Back then cost less than a dime.

“Jailhouse Rock” of his, my favorite show,
And at a road-show, where I sat on the front row
Can still see him shake
Like a one-man earthquake,
Just set my heart absolutely aglow.

And about our Rock “n” Roll King there’s more,
Like: Sipping on malts at the drug-store,
Or when on a blind date,
Or maybe while we skate,
His songs none of us would ever ignore.

His wonderful Gospels, those lyrics of gold,
He left for all of us to love and to hold;
Silent now is that voice,
But let’s dare to rejoice,
And enjoy his music more now that we are old.

Oh, there were a few others we loved back yon;
Crooners as Paul Anka and Ricky Nelson,
And when at a sock-hop
Their 45’s went non-stop.
Guess I’ll close now and put a 45 on!

Bobby Beddoe; Copyright 2010

bobby beddoe