john tiong chunghoo - Travel Haiku - Shark Island (Ireland)

2014-06-11 7

Shark Island
run down places echo each
of my words to my ears

Shark Island
dilipidated buildings
whisper back to me

Shark Island
i write to Hollywood to make
horror movies here

Shark Island
broken door of dilipidated building shouts

Shark Island
you will never feel you are

Shark Island
a crow nearly flies away
with my life

Travel six miles off the coast of Connemara, Ireland, and you’ll reach Inish Shark—or Shark Island. A hundreds-strong fishing and farming community once occupied this small, lush isle, but after decades of tough living the island was abandoned in the 1960s. Today, all that remains are the skeletal ruins of the stone-hewn village: homes, school rooms, and a church. Arrange visits to this eerie place via the town of Clifden or from neighboring Inishbofin Island.

john tiong chunghoo