Thomas Vaughan Jones - Our Common Ambition

2014-06-11 3

Come friends come fellow poets;
No matter what your station or your age
Monarch, peasant, peer or politician,
All who aspire to write upon life’s page;
what common thread aligns each life’s ambition?

Ambitions change!
For in the callow innocence of youth
we prize our immortality
and Truth.

But time expands and then erodes
that bright veneer.
We seek our fame and fortune.
Perhaps another’s heart.
The essence of a promising career.
While in our space the world will still revolve.
Eventually, ambitions must resolve;
Then must we turn our mortal tools away.

Poets and Kings
must face approaching night,
and all would wish before the fading light
that we might find some words
in dark December;

That someday, somewhere,
someone might remember.

Thomas Vaughan Jones