By his kind, as a boy, I was so fascinated
When I saw men balance and busily ride
I'd imagine they're sailing over fluffy cloud
Freely wherever, whenever they dreamed!
I'd rent a mini version of him, few quarters
For an hour's ride at playground-n-streets
That hire hour would flyaway the fastest
Never have I felt time fly faster than that
I then realised we had an old him at home
He was gathering dust and rust until then
He was used by my brother for commute
Far outside the city, to a technical institute
Shook him out from years of deep slumber
Used pocket money getting him back together
Finally he was up repaired and polished
To take me on my much exciting cycle ride
Short that I was then, I could hardly hit
The ground when on his leather seat
That little bothered me, my thoughts clear
He will not disappoint me, I was so sure!
I gathered the courage needed to ride him
On the streets of the town to merrily skim
Roads alongside many a big bus and car.
He majestically wheeled on, just a whisper
Through many a street to highway road
So excited that I couldn't stop the ride
Nor get off from his hard leather seat
For a little pause or even for a moment
As I sped on many a wide highway road
Wind whizzing past my ears, so like a bird
Lampposts flew past in momentary blur
People walking seemed slower than ever
Finally I returned home, to anxious family
Waiting for their missing son impatiently
Parents' scolding never took away the joy
That I got from the maiden long cycle ride
Had to constantly repair as he was so old
But he was my passion, greater than gold
My many subsequent vehicle possession
Never gave me that great a satisfaction!
Padmanabhan Ananth