Sundeep Goswami - Redefining Limits

2014-06-11 13

You set out, you step out, you do it every day.
Have you ever considered – simply breaking away?
The monotony, life’s symphony, mundane it may seem,
Ever dared to be different? To dream a dream?

Some people have, and succeeded too.
Fought the good fight, and been left marooned.
Did they give up? Drop the proverbial flag?
No, they struggled, and gave it all that they had.

Celebrate them, berate them, but ignore them you cannot
For vision and belief, is in them innately wrought.
Today is the day, and now is the time
To give them the podium, and let them unwind.

Redefining the world is what they set out to do
In their small way, a big change did they woo.
And now we yell “huzzah”, and toast them success,
Is there a better time, to follow their footsteps?

Sundeep Goswami