Volkswagen's Brilliant PSA Makes Dangers Of Distracted Driving Abundantly Clear

2014-06-10 157

Volkswagen recently gave unsuspecting moviegoers in Hong Kong an unforgettable experience and taught them a valuable lesson.

Volkswagen recently gave unsuspecting moviegoers in Hong Kong an unforgettable experience and taught them a valuable lesson.

Popcorn in hand, the group entered the theater and got comfortable in their seats waiting for the feature to begin.

As the Volkswagen public service announcement began, viewers were shown a rather ordinary road, from the point of view of the driver.

Seconds into the segment, a mass text was sent to audience members. The moment they all lifted their phones to read it, the sound of squealing brakes and a loud crash exploded from the speakers.

The driver’s vista quickly changed from the road ahead to a shattered windshield.

For the parting message, Volkswagen flashed on the screen, “Mobile use is now the leading cause of death behind the wheel.”

As the video makes its way around the Internet it’s receiving a wide variety of feedback.

Volkswagen is being given a lot of kudos for finding a way that in no uncertain terms communicates the dangers of distracted driving.

Several are also hoping that the message continues to spread, and that people who still use their phones behind the wheel finally get it.