900-Pound Woman Moved to Living Room With Help From Community

2014-06-10 2

Community members and rescue crews rallied together in Oregon to help a 900-pound woman get a new lease on life.

Community members and rescue crews rallied together in Oregon to help a 900-pound woman get a new lease on life.

"This is the first time Sharon Dodson has been out of her bedroom in two years. And it's all thanks to a big community effort." [KPTV]

Sharon's goal is to better her health, but that hasn’t been possible because she was essentially stuck in the same room. In an effort to grant her wish, volunteer firefighters in Eugene, contractors and numerous state agencies arrived at her home and removed a huge piece of her bedroom wall.

Once the makeshift demolition work was complete, Sharon was rolled outdoors on her bed and moved back inside, but to the living room. Now that she’s out of her bedroom, Sharon will have access to health equipment.

Being moved to a separate area of the house that’s better suited for her medical needs also means she won’t have to be transferred to a costly nursing facility. Sharon hopes she’ll be able to lose weight and go outside on her own without requiring help from the community.

She will soon be starting physical therapy and with hard work and a little luck, Sharon could be walking in the future.