10 Little Known Facts About Snoring

2014-06-10 1

People who snore often can’t help it, and those who have to listen to it often can’t help but be irritated by it. Here are 10 things you may not know about snoring.

People who snore often can’t help it, and those who have to listen to it often can’t help but be irritated by it.

Here are 10 things you may not know about snoring.

Number 10. It often leads to separate sleeping quarters. 27 percent of couples over the age of 40 have admitted that their partners’ snores drove them to set up bedrooms of their own.

Number 9. Snoring drove one woman to attempt murder. Not long ago in Arkansas, a woman sleeping in separate room who was still kept awake by her husband’s snorts grabbed a knife and stabbed him several times. She was charged with the crime, and he filed for divorce.

Number 8. Some snorers make more noise than jets. There’s a woman in the UK whose snoring has been logged at just over 111 decibels. Low-flying jets have a rating of around 103.

Number 7. Snoring babies may develop problems later. Among them is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Studies have also linked sleep disruptions in the infant years to depression, aggression, and combativeness around age 7.

Number 6. Snore absorption rooms work. Tested out by select Crown Plaza hotels a few years back, it was found that padding walls and headboards helps absorb some of the noise.

Number 5. President Teddy Roosevelt had serious snoring issues. When the late president was hospitalized in Washington all of the other patients on the floor had to be relocated because they couldn’t sleep.

Number 4. Snore rooms have become popular among celebrities. When they were married, Tom Cruise built a sound-proofed sleep chamber so Katie Holmes could catch some z’s of her own. Judge Judy has also had one put in her home.

Number 3. There’s no snoring in space. Due to the lack of gravity, the tongue and jaw don’t fall back and cause the obstructions they do on Earth. No obstructions, no flapping tissues, no sounds.

Number 2. Smart, anti-snoring pillows exist. First, they sense that the user is starting to wheeze and snuffle. Then, the pillow begins to slowly inflate and either opens the airways for clearer breathing or just wakes the person up.

Number 1. Becoming a side-sleeper could fix everything. As snoring happens when the tongue and nearby tissue settle towards the back of the throat, just sleeping on one’s side could be the remedy.