Pakistani woman survives attempted honor killing

2014-06-05 8,380

An 18-year-old Pakistani woman is alive --- after surviving being shot several times by relatives.

Saba Maqsood says they attacked her for marrying the man she loves --- against the wishes of her family. It's what is known as an "honor killing."

She says they lured her to meet with them under the pretense of reconciliation.


"After bringing me there, they shot me. I was hit in the cheek by the first shot, and in the hand by the next one. They thought I had died, but I was not dead. I was slightly conscious, but alive. They put me into a sack, tied up the mouth of the sack, and threw it into the canal. Inside a sack; and into the canal. They thought I was dead, but I was not."

Maqsood, who married her neighbor five day earlier, says she struggled in the water for several minutes before being helped to the bank by strangers. Police say the suspects fled the scene.

In parts of Pakistan, a Muslim nation of 180 million people, women