GM says recalls have had no meaningful impact on sales

2014-06-05 1

General Motors says it fired 15 people over its ignition switch recall scandal- but those names did not include the most senior level executives- CEO Mary Barra-saying they were simply unaware of the problems.


"There was no conspiracy by the corporation to cover up facts. In addition, the investigators found no evidence that any employee made a trade off between safety and cost. The pattern in this case is much more complex and nuanced. What Valukas found was a pattern of management deficiencies, and misjudgments, often based on incomplete data that were passed off at the time as business as usual. Unfortunately, the report found that these seemingly benign actions led to devastating consequences. In short we misdiagnosed the problem from the very beginning."

Barra gave few specifics as she unveiled parts of a 300 page internal report- prepared by Anton Valukas- and did not say how the problem was allowed to

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