Break Bricks Hack - Unlimited lives, balls for Android

2014-06-05 70

Break Bricks Hack
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Hello and welcome to my Break Bricks Hack video! In this video I am going to show you the worlds best Break Bricks Hack.
Break Bricks Hack has been thoroughly tested and it's 100% working. Break Bricks Hack is also extremely safe.
Also Break Bricks Hack is 100% free.
I've been working on this Break Bricks Hack for months and now Break Bricks Hack has finally arrived! People who have stepped on this video looking for a Break Bricks Hack should deem themselves lucky. This hack works on Windows XP/7/Vista/8 but it may work on Linux or Mac OS X too using Wine or other Windoes Emulator!

How it works?

Break Bricks Hack The tool will connect to your Android Phone by USB or Bluetooth and will search for a hidden file where are saved all your game stats. the hack will gently change the options according to what you selected in the hack panel. All changes are perment regarding future patching/device changing! This hack does NOT require internet connection in order to work! i know pretty simple yet pretty complicated!


Download the hack only from
Connect your device, using USB or Bluetooth (phone, tablet, etc)
Follow the step by step video tutorial I provided
Play the game with your selected options: lives, balls or time freezer :)

If you have any questions about this Break Bricks Hack make sure to contact me!
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