Semi Truck Almost Hits School Bus in a Close Call

2014-06-05 18

In a shocking act that was caught on a camera from inside a school bus, a semi driver overtook the bus at highway speed from the right shoulder. What makes this even scarier is the fact that Alexis Schwartz was about to walk from her driverway to the bus.

With kids getting on and off, drivers have to be extremely cautious anytime they are near a school bus.

In a shocking act that was caught on a camera from inside a school bus, a semi driver overtook the bus at highway speed from the right shoulder. What makes this even scarier is the fact that Alexis Schwartz was about to go from her driverway to the bus. So the semi truck went through the path between Alexis and the school bus.

Alexis had this to say - "dust kicked up on me, I had to step back, that freaked me out and made my heart go crazy." [KTSP]

The Minnesota State Patrol posted the video online in the hopes that the public will help catch the truck driver. The incident occurred this past Friday.

In a later update, they noted "The driver of the semi that illegally passed a school bus and was caught on video turned himself in Tuesday night. Thank you to everyone who shared this video and helped spread the word."