Electronic readers are becoming more and more popular, and paper books' sales are declining. Even in the world of political ceremonies, e-readers are replacing traditional paper books.
Electronic readers are becoming more and more popular, and paper books' sales are declining. Even in the world of political ceremonies, e-readers are replacing traditional paper books.
For probably the first time in history, a United States Ambassador has been sworn into her position using an electronic reading device containing an e-book copy of the US Constitution.
Suzi LeVine, a former Microsoft and Expedia executive, and the new ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein was sworn in by vice president Joe Biden using a Kindle Touch device.
LeVine was quoted at the ceremony as saying: “…As one of, if not the first person to take this oath over an electronic device, I am honoring American Innovation, entrepreneurship and the fact that each citizen has a voice in our democracy – and more and more tools through which to make that voice heard!”
There have been several examples of officials being sworn in on e-readers including a group of firefighters in New Jersey who used a version of the Bible on an iPad, and an official from Long Island who also used an iPad to be sworn in.