The U.S. Justice Department has filed a criminal complaint, accusing Russian national Evgeniy Mikhaylovich Bogachev of being a member of a cyber crime gang that sought to steal millions of dollars from U.S. consumers.
The suspect, who authorities said is also known as Lucky12345, is charged with writing computer code used to compromise banking systems and assist others in stealing banking credentials, according to court documents released on Monday (June 2).
"Today, we're here to announce that over the weekend, the Department disrupted two extremely damaging cyber threats: The financial botnet, Gameover Zeus, and the malicious software known as Cryptolocker. Gameover Zeus has secretly diverted millions of dollars to bank accounts of criminals across the globe, while Cryptolocker, a ransomware scheme, has shut out hundreds of thousands of users from their own computers and data, and demanded that victims pay to get access back to their