Artist Wants Small Red House Erected on Moon

2014-05-30 124

Mikael Genberg hopes to have a little red house complete with white gables, placed right on the moon’s surface.

"One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind."

Men have set foot on the moon before, so now its time to build a house there.... at least that’s what one Swedish artist wants to do.

Mikael Genberg hopes to have a little red house complete with white gables, placed right on the moon’s surface. The residence will be rather tiny.

Genberg envisions it as a simplistic home measuring 6 ½ by 10 feet at the base. Although no one will live there, it will serve as a piece of art.

Genberg remarked “A small red house can be the symbol of prosperity, of thinking bigger thoughts, breaking new mental barriers.”

Simply called the ‘Moonhouse’, the project is considered to be ‘one the world’s largest crowdfunding initiatives’. Genberg wants to raise 15 million dollars to make the little red house on the moon a reality.

If the monetary goal is reached, the residence will reportedly be transported to the lunar surface via SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket in October 2015.

No astronaut or contractor will be required for assembly. The house automatically unfolds, self-constructs and fills with gas when placed on the moon.

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