INRI,PAX"AVE,do not be afraid...This is JESUS;The Incarnate Wisdom!"Colossians;1Thessalonians"SalvatoreCali

2014-05-30 58

INRI;The Works of the Father(P) was manifested; the same way..., the Works of the Son(A) generated the outpouring of the Holy Spirit!!!(X) " The Pentecost!..."
Archippus; you're Jesus, or one of his Apostles; Take heed to the Ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it! (Matthew 10-12)
Yes! Yes! Yes! Thou Hast entered into the springs of the sea! thou hast walked in looking for the depth! Etc... Etc!...
(Job 32-42)
Ecce, ECCE HOMO! - PAX VOBIS!... (John 1-11.44)
You are the salt of the earth and light of the world!...
(Luke 14.34-35;Matthew 5.13-20;John 20)
I beg you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ: "You, remember You; Remember You of Us!..."
And Here, This is the Truth!: (John 3.18-19)

AVE! - AVE; You, do not be afraid!...
Christ is Risen, For you who believe!... (Matthew 28)
No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day! (John 6)
I'm Alive Says The Lord!... (John 1-11.44)
You Must Be Born Again!...
And Here: God so loved the world, that he gave his only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting Life. (John 3)

The Grace of the Lord Jesus-Christ, and the Love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit,be with You All! (2Corinthians13;John20) Amen!

13.INRI,PAX JESUS-CHRIST!" Let's Go to the Paradise!-The Easter!" Official Clip of SalvatoreCali 2014
(Luke11:27-28)"Rather Happy the Winners!... And they shall walk with me in White: for they are Worthy!... (Apocalypse2-3)
To the only wise God Our Saviour, through Jésus-Christ Our Lord, be Glory and Majesty, Domination and Power, both now and ever! Amen.(Jude) God's grace be with you all!!!

12.INRI,PAX JESUS-CHRIST"The Lord rebuke thee,O Satan!-Cursed be you!!"Zechariah;Apo20;Psalm1-22"SalvatoreCali
The Easter Monday, Our Resurrection; This is the Promise ... The Gift of God to anybody take his part of Christ's pain, and to the Battle of all Saints!...(Apo12) Love Thy Neighbor...
The Creed, is the Mission; and the Way of all Christians!...
What is it between The Good Friday night, and Easter Monday? (Proverbs10.24;Hebrews4.12)
-Three days...; And God is the only to know the Secret of The Glorious Resurrection!!!
The one who want to keep his wealthes, will lose until his own life!
But the one who will divest himself of a burden like this one will easily go into The God's Kingdom! "Here I am! Here I am! I come to do Thy Will, O God!" (Matthew26)
It's God Who said to you: Thou art my Son, to day have I Begotten thee! (Hebrews1-6;Acts1-4)
As he saith also in another place: In The Name of "Jesus-Christ of Nazareth", Take your Cross and follow me!!! (Matthew10-11)
Blessed and Holy is he that hath part in The First Resurrection! Amen! (Apo20)

11.INRI,PAX"Blessed are they which are called unto the marriageSuper ofThe Lamb!"(Ap19;Habakkuk;Luke11)
Believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, ...