Mark Zuckerberg Receives Iranian Court Summons

2014-05-28 59

An Iranian court is ordering Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, to appear and address complaints about Instagram and WhatsApp individual privacy violations.

An Iranian court is ordering Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, to appear and address complaints about Instagram and WhatsApp individual privacy violations.

As the US has no extradition treaty with Iran, it’s not considered likely that Zuckerberg will show up.

Previous attempts in similar rulings by an Iranian courtroom haven’t proven successful either.

The judge who issued the most recent summons has also demanded the blocking of the two Facebook owned applications.

The use of Facebook, YouTube and Twitter is already prohibited to all Iranians except high-ranking public officials.

Nonetheless, young and tech knowledgeable people alike have been known to use clever workarounds to gain access anyway.

The Zuckerberg summons comes at a time when many Iranian officials, including the country’s President, seem to be warming up to the idea of reaching out via the Internet.

Not long ago President Hassan Rouhani announced, "We should see the cyber world as an opportunity. Why are we so shaky? Why don't we trust our youth?"

He also noted that for him it’s a valuable tool for communicating and negotiating with the world’s leaders.

His opposition remains largely unconvinced that any good can come from embracing what they call a ‘decadent’ product of Western culture.