Food + Australians = Barbecue. Get Excited About This Aussie BBQ Lobster Jambalaya.

2014-05-27 29

Alright, It's summertime, the grill is out, it's time to grill up some delicious lobster tails, and some exquisite lobster jambalaya. This is a great dish to serve friends during the summer months, and it's packed full of intense flavors that'll leave your guests asking for seconds and thirds.

Here's what you'll need:

-Lobster Tails (For grilling)
-Lobster heads (For the stock)
-Roasted Garlic
-Ancho Paste
-Your choice of fresh veggies
-Ground Coriander
-Olive Oil
-Fresh Cilantro
-Bay Leaf
-Fresh Cream
-Brown Sugar