Scientists Develop Way to View Structural Proteins in Action

2014-05-27 23

A large team of researcher has developed a method that allows them to better examine a cell’s cytoskeleton.

A large team of researchers has developed a method that allows them to better examine a cell’s cytoskeleton, the internal network that gives it shape and mechanical support.

Without it, the cell wouldn’t know how or when to move or divide.

They’ve created fluorescent indicators that activate when they come into contact with the building blocks of the structure, tubulin and actin.

Once attached and turned on, the probes illuminate the area, distinguishing it from the background and making it relatively easy to capture images of unprecedented detail.

Current means of examining a cell’s cytoskeleton, are delicate and sometimes fickle.

Further, the additives used for illumination can be toxic and are typically short-lived.

This new method solves all of those problems and more.

Introducing it into the cell’s inner workings is also much easier, as the probes are readily absorbed through the cell’s membrane.

Their ease and stability means that the probes can be added directly to a culture, negating the need for laborious advanced prep like washing of the cells.

This new technique is anticipated to make studying cells easier with higher quality imaging.