Press Confarence by Nazrul's Father inlaw

2014-05-27 5,442

Narayanganj City Corporation councilor killed after abduction, Nazrul Islam, Shahidul Islam , claimed the father , having been involved in seven murder he did not feel Shamim Osman . Shamim Osman is involved in a group rather than dirty politics .
Today is Tuesday afternoon at Dhaka Reporters Unity ( diaraiu ) Shahidul Islam of the written statement , claimed at a press conference .
Nazrul Islam claims sbasurera , and Noor Hussain Osman, who expressed phonalapera record , calling itself involved in this murder . If they know where Hussain was at that time , then why did not he arrested ? He raised the question .
Shahidul Islam , also has some phonalapa and remarks on the record . Ivy in Narayanganj Mayor Selina hayat closer and Contractors Abu Sufyan , the trader Chand Mia , known as Killer Selim , Nur Hassan Hussein badigarda phonalapao been published . But it 's not going to talk about it ? He asked , ' Why Abu suphiyanake still being questioned ? These were the main planners and leading financier then what ? The group is trying to defend them ? '

Ladies Accessories sbasurera claims 7 to 9 April until the last two times with Noor Hussain Osman spoke . These conversations are evidence of Hussein Osman, Noor helped escape . Rather, it is proved , the record reveals , calling itself helped him escape .

Shahidul Islam , disaster and tranamantri jamatake Mofazzal Hossain Chowdhury Maya has already been arrested . ' The big khunii However , he will be arrested ' - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina , he said he has confidence .

Shahidul Islam after reading out a written statement at the press conference when questioned by journalists , he skip . At one stage he went to the press conference .