Greeks cast their vote in the European Parliament elections

2014-05-25 98


STORY: Greeks voted in European elections on Sunday (May 25) under the shadow of increased poverty and unemployment following four years of belt tightening by the government in return for loans from the European Union.

Greece's debt crisis has reduced living standards in the country after the EU demanded harsh cost cutting measures from Athens in return for bailout funds.

The measures have caused anger in the country but led to a turnaround in the economy, which now boasts a surplus. The current governing party, the centre right New Democracy Party affiliated with Europe's EPP, pledging growth and stability, is pitched against the opposition leftist Syriza Party, affiliated with the Party of the European Left, who promises an end to austerity and criticizes the EU for crippling Greece during the crisis.

Surveys show Greeks have one of the most negative opinions of the policies of the European Union and how it handled Greece's c

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