hazrat ali ra in ki shan main Nazam

2014-05-24 2,840

Ali (r.a) migrated to Medina shortly after Muhammad(s.a.w.w) did. Once there Muhammad (s.a.w.w) told `Ali (r.a)that Allah had ordered Muhammad(s.a.w.w) to give his daughter, Fatimah(r.a), to `Ali (r.a) in marriage.[1] For the ten years that Muhammad (s.a.w.w)led the community in Medina, Ali (r.a)was extremely active in his service, leading parties of warriors in battles, and carrying messages and orders. Ali took part in the early caravan raids from Mecca and later in almost all the battles fought by the nascent Muslim community. Ali was appointed Caliph by the Companions of Muhammad(s.a.w.w) (the Sahaba) in Medina after the assassination of the third caliph,