Russian Mobile ICBM_ TOPOL-M; All Weather _ Terrain Teleporter Launcher)

2014-05-24 2

[ (Marquis Who's Who In America; Who's Who In Science and Engineering; Who's Who in the World 2014)]

[NOTE 1: NATO Code: SS-27 SICKEL B; RUSSIAN CORRECT DESIGNATION : Advanced (all-nuclear) TOPOL-M Stalin/RS-12M1/RS-12M2/RT-2PM2) MIRVed (multiple-independently targetable) TOPOL-M and equipped with multiple re-entry vehicles (MIRV) is called RS-24; Deployed: 100+].

[NOTE 2: United States...unlike Russian Federation and PRC...has NO mobile ICBM capability...a point to keep in mind when the giving credence to the current US ILLEGAL president's formulation of "ultimata" the present crisis regarding UKRAINE...]

TOPOL-M Teleporter Launcher (TEL):
APU 15U168 missile teleporter launcher (TEL), mounted on the MZKT-79221 "Universal" 16-wheeled transporter-erector-launcher (all weather / all terrain). This mobile launcher is capable of moving through zero-road terrain, and RAPIDLY launching a missile from any point along its route. Developers: Moscow Thermal Institute of Technology; Soyuz Federal Center for Dual Technologies.

ICBM System Specific Characteristics:
Deployed nuclear TOPOL-M is capable of implementing evasive maneuvers to avoid a kill intercept by United States terminal phase interceptors, and carries targeting countermeasures and decoys. It is shielded against radiation, EMP, nuclear explosions at distances over 500 meters, and is designed to survive a hit from any laser technology.

Advanced Characteristic: TOPOL-M's short motor burn time (minimum boost-phase) correlates to minimized satellite detection, tracking, classification and identification (ATDCI) by US systems. TOPOL-M possesses depressed trajectory, leading to complications for track-file generation.

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