Greece votes in Europe and local elections on Sunday

2014-05-23 12,208

Greece votes on Sunday in the European elections and the second round of local elections. Greek political parties have been hiking up the rhetoric and playing on voters’ fears of more austerity measures and political instability.

Greece’s anti-austerity, anti-bailout Syriza party, sees this weekend’s elections as a referendum on the ruling coalition’s pro-austerity, pro-bailout policies.

Party leader Alexis Tsipras wants to end austerity policies across Europe to boost economic growth.

“A large, clear victory for Syriza on Sunday ensures an end to the bailout programme, to the ransacking and destruction of the country, to subjection, and to indignity,” Tsipras told party supporters at an election rally.

The prime minister hopes his coalition can cling to power to continue the bailout programme.

“This is our last chance, and no one is going to hold us back,” said Antonis Samaras.

“This is what Greek citizens are called upon to decide on Sunday — forward with growth? Or back to the crisis? Forward with a new Greece of the future, or back to the stale slogans of the past, back to [policies] that have failed?,” added the prime minister.

Polls have largely shown Syriza with a narrow lead over Prime Minister Samaras’s New Democracy party for the European vote.

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