Teen Will Carry His Younger Brother 40 Miles for a Cause

2014-05-22 143

Two brothers in Michigan are proving how deep a sibling bond goes. 14-year-old Hunter Gandee is the older bro and he will soon be carrying his brother piggyback style for about 40 miles to raise awareness for cerebral palsy.

Two brothers in Michigan are proving how deep a sibling bond goes. 14-year-old Hunter Gandee is the older bro and he will soon be carrying his brother piggyback style for about 40 miles.

The reason why Hunter is taking part in the long journey with his 7-year-old brother, Braden, on his back is to raise awareness for cerebral palsy. That’s something young Braden lives with everyday.

Classified as a movement disorder, it often causes physical disabilities and a limited range of movement. Hunter, who is the captain of his school's wrestling team, will carry his 60-pound little bro from the Bedford Junior High School wrestling room to the University of Michigan Wrestling room.

The journey is expected to take about two days. The pair will take off on the morning of June 7th. Hunter will walk with Braden on his back for about 25 miles before stopping in Milan where they will stay overnight. The next day, they’ll finish up the remaining 15 miles.

The fact that Hunter will be carrying Braden piggyback style is symbolic because it's something the brothers have done since they were young. The walk is part of the ‘The Cerebral Palsy Swagger’ awareness project.

The family hopes that in the future, new technology and equipment will help Braden accomplish his goals; one of which is wrestling.. just like his big brother.

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