Italy tells migrants 'Welcome, you're safe'; tells EU to help more

2014-05-21 678

Italian Naval officers search for migrants off the coast of Sicily, who are increasingly arriving from Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

The officers spot a small fishing boat.

Captain Aldo Dolfini barks orders to rescue the hundreds of migrants on board.


"Unfortunately the situation is deteriorating, the wind force is increasing, we foresee a worsening of the sea conditions. Our objective is to reach the boat and, if we need to, intervene as quickly as possible. We will try to get there before dark because that is when everything becomes more difficult."

The search and rescue operation, known as Mare Nostrum or "Our Sea" was launched in October 2013, after 366 migrants drowned in a shipwreck a mile from the coast of Lampedusa, Italy's southernmost point.

Since then, more than 43,000 people have been pulled from the seas.

Commander of Mare Nostrum, Admiral Mario Culcasi says there's