Mr. Adnan Oktar: May God rest the souls of our martyrs in Soma, may Heaven be their eternal abode.

2014-05-21 45

Adnan Oktar: Many television channels refer to our martyrs as "dead". That is really disturbing. Actually there is an explicit hadith of our Prophet (saas). Our Prophet (saas) says; "Those who die under the wreckage would be martyrs." That is a clear hadith. Let us say that those people have leftist views and that is the reason why they use such a language but they call their own friends who die martyrs as well. Well then, what is the sense of calling them "dead"? I mean, why do they do that? I fail to understand. They are not dead; they are martyrs. They all are radiant Muslims performing their prayers. Almighty God has taken them away from those difficult living conditions and put them in His Heaven. That is what happened; all because of the Mercy of Almighty God. Insha'Allah. 

In such occasions, tension stemming from sorrow might escalate. One needs to be very careful about the attitude, about the language used. Using the word "dead", this or that would be very disturbing. What is the sense of calling them "dead"? They are as their name states; martyrs. Almighty God says that they are alive in the Sight of God. Almighty God has put an end to their hard, difficult life and gave them the rank of martyrdom and taken them to a happy life. That is it. Insha'Allah. We kindly ask all these channels to change that language, I mean it really disturbs me a lot every time I hear them saying so. It is really very irritating. 

Bülent Sezgin: Master, our miner brothers are all morally virtuous, masha'Allah. Today one of our rescued miner brothers when taken to the stretcher said; "My boots are covered with dirt, let me take them off and not make the stretcher dirty."

Adnan Oktar: The attitude of that kid gives one such beautiful feelings masha'Allah. Such nobility, such purity. Look at the honesty of an Anatolian man! Look at the decency of Anatolian man!  In such an alarming environment in which we have hundreds of martyrs, one miner is rescued and he says "Careful, do not let my boots make the stretcher dirty!" and asks for many times if he should take them off. Look at the nobility of the Anatolian young man. They are all performing their prayers under the ground. They all are fasting; those lads were working down that mine while they were fasting. I believe that Almighty God did not want them working there in those difficult conditions and took them to His Heaven. That is the case. 

That issue of "mourning" should not be misunderstood. The word mourning is used in the sense of respect. It means showing respect and kindness, concentrating to the subject matter, being concerned and attentive.  It doesn't mean being frantic with sorrow, it doesn't mean crying, grieving, losing one's self in sorrow. Those would be ascribing partners to God, that would be irrational. That doesn't make sense and they bring no good to anyone.  I mean it would be an inappropriate behavior towards God. But since this is a worldwide tradition, the flags are flown at half-staff, entertainment programs are cancelled but it doesn't mean that it is not acceptable to laugh, to speak; it doesn't mean that there should be constant crying and weeping. This should not be misunderstood. 

1,000 liras is a very small amount to give to the families of our brothers who've been martyred in that mining accident. We are the ones that will be paying that amount, aren't we? They should at least be given twice their salaries. That would make all hearts feel a little better, that would bring a bit of comfort to our hearts and everyone would be happy about that. Let us economize elsewhere; this is not the place to think about economy. Insha'Allah.

Those miner kids have holes on their socks; that really touches one. I felt really disturbed when I saw the pictures. And the beautiful manners of that young man, my lion, masha'Allah. He said, "The boots shouldn't make the stretcher dirty," for many times. Look at the beauty of the Anatolian upbringing. When knees are knocking together, when there is such a big incident, martyrs are being brought out, there are wounded people everywhere and he is showing such grace in such an environment. The Anatolian men have an unprecedented quality. They are very blessed people. Masha'Allah. 

"Good evening Master Adnan, I am writing to you from Azerbaijan. We all feel very bad about the disaster in Soma. Please let us hear about your valuable opinions on the matter." Feeling bad: Actually that is not acceptable. That would be unlawful by religion; it would be rebellion against God. How is it possible? Feeling bad, weeping, grieving; these are all rebellious acts. What we mean by mourning is respect. Showing respect. Mourning is the name we give to the respect we show to those who've been martyred. What could on

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