Can I change sponsors in Infinity Downline?

2014-05-19 158 - Connect with Me!

Can I change Sponsors in Infinity Downline is actually a common question. The answer is "yes." However, I do not recommend it unless your circumstances are unique like mine were. In this video, I will explain the procedure for changing sponsors. Note: If you are making money with Infinity Downline, do not change sponsors no matter what! You will loose your downline and need to start over.

# Infinity Downline, #Change Sponsors in Infinity Downline

I would love to help you earn a living from home with Infinity Downline. I am a wife and a mom who used to work very hard outside the home. This has changed my life and the financial future for both my family and me. It can do the same for you. I can show you how! If you have questions please ask. I am here to help!

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