Egypt: hopes for the future, a week ahead of presidential election

2014-05-18 12,623

Egyptians are preparing to vote in their second presidential election in less than three years.

After the revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak in 2011, Mohamed Mursi was elected president. Mursi himself was then overthrown by the army in July 2013.

Euronews visited the Imbaba neighbourhood in Cairo and found residents hoping that their lives would improve after the vote.

“We only want a dignified life, to feel secure,” one man said.

Another told euronews: “We ask any incoming president to be just and to take care of the poor to provide us with basic needs like water and electricity and, most importantly, bread.”

One market worker complained: “The previous governments stole our money and ran away, left us hungry in the streets. Look at me, I’m 63, standing all day long in the hot sun. I should be retired now, relaxing at home with my earnings.”

Former army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is widely expected to win the May 26-27 election.

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