No Breakfast Sandwiches While Driving Spoof Spreads

2014-05-15 40

A spoof article that discusses Nova Scotia’s decision to outlaw eating breakfast sandwiches while driving has caught the attention of many.

Apparently folks will believe almost anything these days but sadly this little joke came too late for April Fool’s Day. Reports are circulating in the media that police in Nova Scotia are cracking down on distracted driving activities – specifically breakfast sandwiches.

Reportedly in light of the surging morning accidents caused by people eating them, a law was being passed that makes enjoying one while behind the wheel illegal.

The reports state that Halifax Regional Police also started a campaign called ‘Brake for Breakfast’ as a means of spreading awareness about the potential dangers of noshing and driving.

According to the initiative’s so-called leader, Officer Bruce O’Reiley, it’s what people are eating that’s really the root of the problem.
Due to their deliciousness, breakfast sandwiches chock full of melted cheese, salty bacon, and eggs are more likely to compromise concentration than most other morning options.

A confusing quote from Officer O’Reiley claimed, "People think that because you can't send a text on a southwestern omelette wrapped in a tortilla that it's somehow safe to eat while driving a Subaru wagon. I have some pretty gruesome case files that beg to differ." He further elaborated that in one of them, a driver plowed into a hearse, which resulted in a body ending up on the freeway.
But like the fictitious officer, none of it is true. Halifax Regional Police did humorously note on their website that they are ‘more concerned about donuts.”

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