On May 12th, Jazmine McEnaney called 911 after her mom went into labor at their home. Together, mom and daughter successfully delivered the newest, healthy member of their family, a 5 pound 10 ounce little boy named Joseph James Snyder before paramedics arrived.
"Jazmine - can you get some dry towels and a blanket to wrap the baby in?" [Dispatcher]
"Okay" [Jazmine]
Playing doctor – it’s a pastime kids have been taking part in for many, many years. But for one 8-year-old little girl in Florida, it was anything but a game.
On May 12th, the child named Jazmine McEnaney called 911 after her mom went into labor at their home. he mother, Krystle Garcia, says there was no warning; no evident signs of pain or discomfort when her water suddenly broke.
The operator coached Jazmine on what to ask her mom and what she needed to do. When Krystle began pushing, Jazmine ran to get towels for the infant.
The phone was then passed to mom and the operator told her how to instruct Jazmine. Jazmine helped hold and support her baby brother’s head as he entered the world, although Krystle admitted on the 911 call that her daughter was ‘freaking out’.
Together, mom and daughter successfully delivered the newest, healthy member of their family, a 5 pound 10 ounce little boy named Joseph James Snyder before paramedics arrived.
The operator named Emily Hall, who also played a crucial role in the birth, met with the family later. She took a special liking to Jazmine whom she hugged and called her ‘little hero.