Do you need a cheap , tiny PIC Microcontroller Development board witch you can place in your walled ?
PicDevUSB is for you. It costs only £7 ( for first 100 kickstarter backers).
What can it do? All kinds of stuff!
You basically get a micro controller and a lot of inputs / outputs. ( I/O, PWM, UART, SPI, I2C, ADC, USB etc )
It can be programmed directly via on board USB connecter
The interactive course included within the "Learning Kit" (£49 for first 100 kickstarter backers) has all for PIC Microcontroller Education course.
From Basic Blinking LED to Traffic Light Control, Robotic voice generation, Game Using Color LCD, Remote controlling Devices via PC, IR and mobile phone.
I’m a big fan of PIC Microcontoller development board like this. For arduino you find a lots but for PIC they are very’s a pretty impressive feat. They’ve already gone way over their goal and they’ll be shipping in July.