Get Your Free Gold Investing KIt

2014-05-13 5

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Our Free Gold Investing Kit Will Teach You The Closely Guarded Secrets of the Precious Metals Industry. Do NOT Purchase Gold or Silver Until You've Read This Crucial Info.

Of all the precious metals, gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a way of diversifying risk. The gold market is subject to speculation as are other markets, especially through the use of futures contracts and derivatives. Gold price has shown a long term correlation with the price of crude oil. This suggests a reason why gold is sold off during economic weakness.

Its no secret that inflation is out of control.

The simple truth is, the only iron-clad way to protect yourself against inflation is GOLD.

As inflation goes up, the costs to have the retirement you always wanted will keep going higher and higher, just to pay for the same quality of life.

Here is an example of how inflation works:

Imagine for a moment that the total money supply in the United States was only $1 Million Dollars. And imagine you owned 10% of it, which is $100,000.00 - that would mean you would be extremely wealthy correct?

Now imagine if tomorrow the money supply increased by 10 trillion... how much would your $100,000 be worth in that instance? You would no longer be wealthy. And unfortunately, this has already happened in over 30 other countries in the past 90 years.

That in a nut shell is the effect of inflation, and how devastating it can be if the money supply expands rapidly. The dollar has expanded publicly by over $2.68 trillion dollars since 2009 alone. If this aggressive trend continues, imagine how worthless your dollars will become.

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