Caught on camera: Chinese nurse gets bumrushed after not giving woman VIP service (VIDEO)

2014-05-12 3

In a clinic in Taiyuan, China, a woman tried to cut in front of about 10 other people in line by pulling out what she said was a VIP card. She explained to the nurse on duty that it gives her preferential treatment, including the ability to jump to the front of the queue. The nurse, however, totally disagreed.

A few minutes later, a man appears and runs behind the front counter of the clinic and starts hitting the nurse with a clipboard. Apparently he's the husband of the woman who was denied the right to cut in front. He brutally kicks and punches the nurse after she falls onto the floor.

The nurse, surnamed Wang, is recovering in the same exact same hospital where the incident took place. No mention of what punishment, if any, has been exacted on the man.


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