Check out the images from what NASA says is the best observed solar flare so far.
An X-class flare burst emanated from the Sun on March 29th.
Scientists are calling it the best observed x-class glare
given the number of instruments observed it.
A flare was witnessed by four different NASA observatories and one ground based observatory. These images were taken using NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory or SDO. It specializes in capturing images of the entire sun at once.
IRIS follows a well planned schedule to observe small areas on the Sun in higher resolution. It is gratuitously pointed on this active region on the Sun in hopes of catching the flare.
The RHESI spacecraft can only see materials at extreme temperatures on the Sun. To RHESI, a flare looks like three pockets of heat in a triangle formation. The Japan aerospace exploration agencies and NASA’s Hinode shows a series of layers in the sun’s atmosphere.
These images were captured by the National Solar Observatory's Dunn Solar Telescope. The telescope could focus on only a small area at once but provides much higher resolution of the area.
These multiple observations will help us better understand what causes these flares.